Operational Communication

Operational Communication - Thermal Year 2024-2025

Access to Escomas

From October 16, 2024, access to the commercial portal https://escomas.edison.it/ is available with authentication through the MFA (Multi Factor Authenticator) function.

See the procedure to download an app on your smartphone to uniquely associate a single device with each user.

Reduction of the injection capacity - gas days 15th and 16th of July 2024

Edison Stoccaggio informs that the available injection capacity in July for the Peak Modulation service and for the Constant Peak Modulation service will be reduced by 23 % in the gas days Monday, 15th and Tuesday, 16th of July 2024.

Edison Stoccaggio clarifies that the reduction is due to works of the e-distribuzione spa on the supply line to our plant of Collalto, with limitations of the active power absorbed, and that the works are independent from Edison Stoccaggio Spa.

Operational communications on storage services

Peak Modulation

Withdrawal capacity

Injection Capacity


Modulation of Punte Costanti




Coefficient of correlation between power consumption of compression plants of Edison Stoccaggio and physical gas movement


The costs of compression and treatment as par.8.7 and Annex 16A of the Code of Storage are not applied to the storage services’ Users (see: art.1 of the Deliberazione 129/2024/R/GAS of April, 2nd 2024 in relation to the thermal year 2024-2025, art.1 of the Deliberazione 93/2023/R/GAS of March, 9th 2023 in relation to thermal year 2023-2024 and art. 1.b of the Deliberazione 110/2022/R/gas of March, 15th 2022 in relation to the thermal year 2022-2023).